Freed, N., Qi, J., Sylla, C., Branco, P. Beyond the Binding: Exploring the Future Book. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on Creativity and cognition, Atlanta, Georgia. November 2011. [pdf]
Freed, N., Qi, J., Setapen, A., Buechley, L., Breazeal, C., Raffle, H. Sticking Together: Handcrafting Personalized Communication Interfaces. Proceedings of the Conference on Interaction Design and Children, Ann Arbor, Michigan. June 2011. [pdf]
Raffle, H., Revelle, G. ,Mori, K., Ballagas, R., Buza, K., Horii, H., Kaye, J., Cook, K., Freed, N., Go, J., Spasojevic, M. Hello, Is Grandma There? StoryVisit: Family Video Chat and Connected E-Books. CHI 2011, Vancouver, B.C. May 2011. [pdf]
Freed, N., Burleson, W., Raffle, H., Ballagas, T. & Newman, N. User interfaces for tangible characters: Children connecting remotely through toy perspectives. Proceedings of the Conference on Interaction Design and Children, Barcelona, Spain. June 2010. [pdf]
Freed, N. Toys Keeping In Touch: Technologies for Distance Play. Student Paper, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Computing, Cambridge, MA. January 2010. [pdf]
Lahey, B., Freed, N., Lu, P., Jensen, C. N., Muldner, K., and Burleson, W. 2009. Human-robot interactions to promote play and learning. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’09). [pdf]
Freed, N. Giles, Z., Jimenez, B. G., Lu, P., Wellington, R.A., Windows HPC Server 2008 at the SC08 Cluster Challenge. Linux Clusters Institute Conference, Boulder, CO. March 2009.
Lahey, B., Burleson, W., Jensen, C. N., Freed, N., and Lu, P. 2008. Integrating video games and robotic play in physical environments. Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Video Games, New York, NY, 107-114. [pdf]
Speyer, G., Freed, N., Akis, R., Stanzione, D., and Mack, E. 2008. Paradigms for Parallel Computation. Proceedings of the 2008 DoD HPCMP Users Group Conference. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 486-494.